Monday, December 13, 2010

Pacific Tapas is fantastic!

At least that's what the chipmunks tell us. Heidi and I were so busy with holiday parties and preparations, we didn't get down there ourselves this weekend -- the official opening weekend of the new place.

Chunk and Punk said a good time was had by all.

Neither of them are going to be sous-chef, as it turns out.

Chunk has decided that chef work is too stressful for him and is training to be a massage therapist now instead and Punk says their techniques aren't experimental enough for him. He wants to continue his work with foams, mousses, and sous vide.

As long as he doesn't expect us to eat much more acorn foam! Let me tell you, a little bit of that stuff goes a long way.

And being that Punk is a major conspiracy theorist (he doesn't believe in either luck or coincidences) we are very relieved that the major contest between the chipmunk cousins has ended so peacefully -- without Punk going too wiggy on us.

Punk's a busy boy these days, and that suits us all just fine. Especially Chunk, who needs to be left alone to meditate!

Pacific Tapas is open on Route 1, just down the road, Wednesday through Sunday, 4 to 10 p.m. No reservations, nothing fussy. Just delectable little plates and modest prices to make them even more delicious!

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