It's only been going on for a few years now, up the road in Mendocino Village, but it's a great opportunity for us to see some pretty amazing films in a fun, intimate setting. Because the Village is so small and adorable (like us!) the Festival fills the town with excitement and people who love movies -- in a good way. There aren't any gift suites or pretentious parties or any of the other nonsense you find at the more mature film festivals.
Saturday, February 19th, the Festival folks are presenting an encore of the popular collection of short films from last year's festival, with screenings at 4, 6, and 8 p.m.
Go to the Mendocino Film Festival's website for more information -- and updates on this year's upcoming festival, June 3rd through 5th.
We do adore a good flick! I'm a huge Tarantino and Scorsese fan and Heidi, predictably, likes pap like the Sound of Music, Singing in the Rain, and the Wizard of Oz.
There's no accounting for taste but at least a selection of short films will give us enough variety so we can both find something to like -- or more likely, argue about.
See you at the movies!
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