Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Interview with an Innkeeper

Now I'm not saying Claire is our favorite, but she DOES have a French name, like me, spelled the correct, French way (like me -- naturellement!).

We love her a lot. And so we are allowing her some of our precious space so that you, our beloved readers, can share the love.

Q. & A. with Claire

M:  How long have you been at the Inn? 
C: I have been here a little over 2 years, since July 2008. I was born and raised in Mendocino, left for about 6 years but decided to return home to the beautiful Mendocino Coast!

M: What do you love best about Mendocino? 
C: The sense of community, farmer’s markets, rain storms, huckleberries, and of course the ocean!

M: What's your favorite thing to eat at La Petite Rive? 
C: The garlic and onion soup. YUM! You may smell like it for the next couple of days but SO worth it!

M: Are you French?  
C: Not French…..Mostly Irish and Scottish with a wee bit of German and English thrown in there.
(Note: I am not French either. -- Monique)

M: What's your favorite thing about us? Is it our beauty or our personalities? 
C: I would say both. :) You are both so different and that’s what makes you you. And yes, you are both quite beautiful and elegant. Oh yeah, and my other favorite thing is that you both have freckles like me!!

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