Monday, August 30, 2010

Heidi again...

Hi all!

Just a quick note to say hi while Monique is off answering her fan mail.

We have heard that the new movie "Get Low" features a stunning performance by a mule and Monique is trying to get some people organized to get her representation in Hollywood. But don't tell her I told you! She's really so modest. She wouldn't want anyone to know about her new career until she's really accomplished -- or at least landed a role in movie with other "A" listers.

Nice cool weather up here for the end of August which can only mean one thing -- it's almost Indian Summer! September can be so delightfully toasty on the Mendocino Coast.

Bye for now!


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Impressions and Chess at the Inn

Dear Readers and Adoring Fans,

It has come to my attention lately that I am giving the wrong impression. You can read right on the Internet that miniature donkeys have to be kept in pairs. Heidi and I are a pair. We are like sisters. Closer than sisters.

The only thing that sometimes comes between us is chess.

Yes -- you heard me right. Chess. We are both very competitive when it comes to our chess games. This board is right by our pen. We can't stop playing. We're both addicted to chess. Don't judge. It's our only vice, unless you count pedicures but those are mandatory for donkeys.

Look at Heidi. She even looks cute when she's eating. (See below.) 

Nobody could ask for a better bestie than Heidi. Even if I can beat her blindfolded at chess.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Who Said Diva?

Do you know what I like? I like the way the weather is right now -- with the cool mist off of the Pacific in the morning and the nice, strong sun on my back at noon and all afternoon.

I'm a creature of simple pleasures, no matter what anyone tells you. I do appreciate my view of the sea, the gardens, meadows, and redwood forest all around me here at the Inn.

I'm not high maintenance or difficult. I don't demand One Thousand Flower Aromatherapy facials in my cottage. Oh, I'm sorry. OUR cottage.

Heidi, don't think I didn't read the blog yesterday. I know what you are telling my public about me and it breaks my heart.

Because, in my heart -- my pure, happy, mini-donkey heart -- I just love the simple things. The scampering bunnies and little chipmunks outside our pen, the shining faces of happy guests coming back from the private beach, the taste of fresh hay, hand delivered daily...

I'm such a simple soul.  Don't let anyone tell you anything else

Friday, August 27, 2010

Heidi here!

Hello all!

Gotta write quickly, before Monique gets wind of this. She thinks it's HER blog but the title says Miniature Donkey Diaries -- not Monique Donkey Diaries. I hate to use the word "diva" but...Well, let's just say you didn't hear it from me!

I wanted to share a photo of that dog with bad breath who had such a good time up here last weekend. He particularly enjoyed running in our back meadow. I'm proud of the fact that guest dogs feel so at home. Monique says they get ahead of themselves and feel like they own the place because they get their own welcome bags when they arrive, complete with an Inn at Schoolhouse Creek tennis ball for playing on the off-leash beach, a "dog is out -- OK to clean the room" hang tag for the cottage door, and more.

Look how cute the little guy is! Bad breath and all. I love meeting the guest's dogs. Don't tell Monique I told you, but she does too.

I'd better run before she catches me on here. I only get a minute while she gets her pedicure before it's time for mine! Did I mention we have a full service spa up here? It's in a yurt. Not that we use the spa. The services come to us in our cottage  -- and I know the guests can have the services in their cottage too...

Bye for now!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Something Smells Fantastic at the Inn at Schoolhouse Creek

Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining but Heidi is and you know how she gets. There's something amazingly delicious smelling cooking over at the Inn these days and you can smell it starting first thing in the morning.

I told Heidi it didn't have anything to do with that new restaurant that just moved in over there but you know Heidi, she always has to be right. She keeps talking about it and she won't let it go.

"Donkeys get hungry too," she says -- with her mouth full of course! -- "And just because they have two seatings a night doesn't mean they can't squeeze in a third donkey seating if they felt like it."

She's awfully persistent and she's got me thinking maybe she's got a point. We could just pop over around 10 or so, after they're done with the 8 p.m. seating. I'm not saying they have to cook us anything special --- we could just have a bite of whatever's leftover.

We aren't picky eaters and I know that carrot curry soup I smell would just about hit the spot. Heidi's fixated on the amuse bouche.

"You never know what it's going to be. I've heard it's always something fantastically divine!"

How does she even know that? How does she even know what an amuse bouche is?

Heidi escapes me sometimes.

That picture shows what the new restaurant looks like. See -- lots of room for tiny donkeys.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

This Happened

I told Heidi a secret. "Hey, Heidi. You have hair in your ears."

I wasn't finished with the secrety stuff when one of Inn's guest's dogs, Snappy, walked up to our fence. Heidi shouted, "Yo Wittle Dog, I have hair in my ears." Then, she went over to smell the dog's breath, which was bad - I might add.

Heidi doesn't understand secrets. A note for the diary.